Carol Franko
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This is one of the most untrustworthy real estate agents we have ever had dealings with. This agent knowingly does NOT fully disclose pertinent and relevant contractual information to potential buyers. i.e lacks the discipline and professionalism to properly disclose facts . Utilizes the ????harp Practise????methodology bordering deceitfulness. For example the agent advised that there were Third Parties involved negotiations (with signed agreement) that were to have had final say in agreement, but the fact of the matter was that the Third Party was merely using this price inflations with the intent never to really submit agreed upon offers. This agent knowingly participated in Sellers and Third Party Income Tax Evasion, Capital Gains Tax Evasion plans. All of these added together do not promote integrity of the position. Further this agent asked the buying agent and clients to negotiate in good faith and trust when she just takes advantage of the honesty of people. Her methods of luring clients are totally unacceptable in today????s world with electronic sign-offs, email, faxes etc. Lawyers and professional Real Estate agents do not like dealing with her. After spending hours in negotiating a deal, and verbal telling the buying agent that the offer for the house is a done deal, she turns around in less than 24 hours deceitfully sells the house to her buyers. In this manner can inflate the price of the property and take advance of the full commission. This is exemplified to the fact that she used our (the buyers) offer to bring in a buy / sell offer of her own shows the unprofessionalism and statute of fraud. I would never recommend her as a real estate.

Burlington, ON

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