Dale Johnson
Website http://dalekjohnson.withwre.com/
Team Solo
Cell 509-251-****
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Response Rate 0 %
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Success Ratio 100 %
Recommend Ratio 0 %

We basically gave Dale the easiest listing ever: completely updated and priced to sell. Dale never went above-and-beyond the call of duty. If anything, he barely did his duties (he went on vacation for two weeks the day after we signed our listing agreement). We moved out-of-state and needed our .15 acre lawn watered and mowed until closing, approximately 3-1/2 weeks. Dale told us to pay a neighbor and have them do it. He literally drives right past our house every day and he never offered to take care of it. Dale is a professional man and seems to have good real estate knowledge, but I wonder how he would perform under different circumstances. Easiest commission he ever got (we did all the work preparing our house and pricing it to sell; got an offer in 8 days), but he never even sent a closing gift. Thanks.

Spokane, WA

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