Pat Meadows
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Address 1933 Oak Bay Ave Victoria , BC V8R 1C8
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Pat Meadows is a lot slicker than most used car salesmen, but that's where the difference ends. On the internet he'll make false claims about properties he's selling, then if he's caught out he'll dismiss these as covered by his website's disclaimers, or say that they were written by someone else. He accepts no responsibility for deceiving an unsuspecting buyer. He will promise to make the property available before closing to contractors etc., but he will not keep such promises... We bought a house he listed that supposedly had a "high efficiency furnace". It did not. Because we don't live in Victoria, we didn't discover this until the deal closed. Pat now claims that the "misunderstanding" is our "fault", that we are responsible for being deceived and that our building inspector and/or agent are more to blame for not alerting us to his false claim. While saying all of this he made very little eye contact and when I pointed that out to him he whined he was recovering from an illness while assuring me that he could produce character witnesses who would attest his good character in small claims court a place which he acknowledged experiencing many times. Then when I asked him how many, he said 'only once. I was a character witness for someone else.' These kind of abrupt change and quick, glib answers are what you are going to experience when Pat Meadows is the seliing agent. The only thing he was willing to do for us was to carry the beds and garbage that had been left in our house outside to be picked up by a junkman. He did this because the law compets him to leave the property empty for the new buyer. He also wanted to prevent us from hiring a junkman of our own and then billing him. My impression is that he is as tight as a spider's rectum. When you become entangled with Mr. Meadows, it will be difficult to extract yourself with all your financial resources intact.... SO...If you find yourself attracted to one of his listings, Icheck every positive feature about the house you're considering at least twice. He has little conscience at all about cutting corners, making false claims or denying responsibility for misleading you to your face. His motto seems to be the experienced but unethical salesman's traditional stand-by: 'let the buyer beware' or perhaps W. C. Field's version "never give a sucker an even break." Meadows thrives in a small community Victoria/Oak Bay which has much more good will and social capital than a bigger city where a sleazy horse trader is widely known and studiously avoided. Seriously, although Mr. Meadows often claims that he's "a fair person", you must make a list of every claim he makes and check it twice. If you're forced to deal with him, pitch your bid low because he inflates the value of his listings. Insist on taking possession of the home you purchase in a timely and clean manner. Finally, watch his eyes. When he's lying, he will avoid contact like a guilty kid or a bad poker player. Meadows took us for the price of a new high efficiency furnace. When confronted his answer was "see a lawyer and see what they say". You won't willingly get Mr. Meadows to part with a nickel of his commission to set things right. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Victoria, BC

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