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Joann ignored my agent's calls and emails and chose another buyer for a property despite me signing the seller's counter offer. Had she responded to my agent she would have seen that I agreed to all their terms. When she finally did respond after allowing the seller to sign the other buyer's offer which was not better than mine she told my agent she thought I had refused their terms. She clearly didnt' read the contract. She is careless to say the least. I suspect misconduct because of her blatently ignoring my agent.

Reply:    Please call me so we can discuss your concerns. I am not sure how long ago this was posted or which property you are referring to but I can assure you that (1) I would never intentionally ignore an agents call, (2) when I present offers to a seller it is in a format that lists each offer and every term of the contract "side-by-side" so no terms are overlooked and the seller knows their bottom line per offer, and (3) if we were in a multiple counter offer situation I would have encouraged the seller to wait for all parties to respond before making a final decision since some buyers improve their pricing and/or terms when they are countered. Not knowing which property you are referring to makes it difficult for me to provide you with details, but I am happy to go over the specifics with you in this forum or off line - please feel free to call me at (925)321-6104 or email me at Sincerely, Jo Ann

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Pleasanton, CA

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