Terry Gulaga
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Address #5-3012 Louise Street
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Terry is the type of realtor you want going to bat for you when it's the bottom of the ninth at the World Series and you need a run to win it. We were referred to Terry after attempting to use a "young and cool" (obviously inexperienced) Saskatoon realtor. We had reached out to this other realtor on all platforms and have never received a response to this day. From the moment we contacted Terry we had instant communication and immediate response from him throughout the duration of our search and until the close. We hadn't realized how stressful buying a home was and we definitely couldn't have stayed as calm as we did without Terry at our fingertips for texting or calls. Terry went to bat for us multiple times with organizing quotes from contractors and putting us in trusted hands for lawyers and inspectors. He'd even meet with some of them when we were out of town. The guy has been around the block and knows Saskatoon and its people extremely well. He listened well and knew what we wanted. We saw homes from all over the city and when we found the one Terry made sure we got it. I won't hesitate to call Terry in the future for questions on real estate, real estate investing, or what to do in Saskatoon and its surroundings. Thanks Terry Nate, Lexi, and now baby Lilly - Nate V.

March 30, 2019

Saskatoon, SK
Nov 2018

Nate V.
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