I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I really appreciated the professional manner in which you carried out the sale of my home. I also wanted to reinforce why people should consider a realtor rather than selling themselves – like myself. Up until this time, I have always sold my own home. I sold several in Alberta, and also one in the Sidney area. This time, however, I decided to look around for a realtor to look after the purchase. There were several main reasons for this decision as follows:- 1) The increased value that the home had gained since purchase due to the housing boom in this area. Any error on my part could have had far more serious consequences. 2) My daughter was in the process of getting married, and I knew that I would not be able to commit the time needed to sell this house properly. 3) I had a tenant that I did not wish to inconvenience unnecessarily. 4) I wished for a quick sale as everything I was researching pointed to a possible future downturn in house prices because of government changes and regulations at the provincial and federal levels. Actually, to be honest, at our first meeting, I still had not fully decided to use a realtor, but I wanted to check it out to see if I could be convinced. I realized that I was sacrificing a lot of money in realtor fees. I also felt that to meet the above goals, I would need to find a realtor with some local knowledge. Coincidently, I asked my daughter if she knew of anyone locally, and she gave me your name. She apparently knew you from North Saanich School, and stated that you had a reputation for honesty and were also a top salesperson in your office. Several friends has also recommended a local Remax office. So I decided to give you an interview. It was immediately obvious from our first meeting that you felt you could meet the above 4 goals. And as well, your advice of what we could get for the home was in line with my own research on the subject. So I signed the contract! I was impressed how quickly things moved along. Within a few days you had a plan which outlined the cleaning schedule, the photographers, the realtors walk through and the the first open house. This was exactly what I was looking for. I was even more impressed when you brought me a tentative offer, with no restrictions, and above the asking price! The sale of the home went off without a hitch and I was beginning my move to my new apartment on April 1st. The wedding also went off without a hitch in Mid April, and everything was complete my May 1st.

Victoria, BC
Dec 30, 2017 02:44

Denis Wightman