Special Olympics Ontario Inc.

Special Olympics Ontario Inc.

What is Special Olympics Ontario Inc.?

Special Olympics Ontario is dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals with an intellectual disability through active participation in sport. The Special Olympics' movement serves over 5 million athletes in more than 170 countries worldwide. Athletes may train to become coaches, officials or mentors to fellow athletes. They also have the opportunity to train to be a spokesperson about the Special Olympics movement. Athletes gain confidence as the result of achievement. Special Olympics believes people with intellectual disabilities can and will succeed when given the opportunity. Our organization provides a positive and supportive environment for participants to learn new skills at their own pace while making new friends and building self-esteem. Special Olympics Ontario is recognized provincially as a multi-sport organization. For every dollar raised, more than 80 percent directly supports community programs. Our organization delivers world-class sport programs to people with intellectual disabilities daily in communities across the province. Programs are organized and run by thousands of dedicated volunteers. They ensure athletes improve physical, social and cognitive skills. It is in the hometowns that lives are changed, barriers are broken down and the joys of sportsmanship and camaraderie of teammates is best witnessed.

Cities served include Gatineau, London.

Total Verified Contributions: $2,351



15 reviews
Total donations by Louis-Philippe Pidgeon to Special Olympics Ontario Inc.: $2,351
  • Gave $600 to Special Olympics Ontario Inc. on Dec 28, 2022

  • Gave $1,751 to Special Olympics Ontario Inc. on Dec 21, 2023


107 reviews
  • Gave to Special Olympics Ontario Inc. on Jan 17, 2023