Kelly-Rae Brooks
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Address 1500-701 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. Canada V7Y 1C6
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Success Ratio 100 %
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Kelly Rae Brooks was recommended to us by a friend. Who described her as the hardest working realtor he had ever met, she turned out to be just that! Kelly Rae worked very hard to sell our little house thru open houses, realtor tours, and contacting builders. The purchase of our new place was very difficult and probably one of the most challenging real-estate transactions of her career. We both feel that Kelly Rae went above and beyond to make this happen. With late nite negotiating, dealing with city hall, inspectors, contractors, and noteries and lots of solid advice from her many years in the industy we certainly could not have made the purchase without her! Kelly Rae's passion for her clients and her job shows thru in her work ethic. I highly recommend her to my friends and family and will definately use her as my realtor in any future real-estate transactions.

Coquitlam, BC

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