Nicole Bourdon
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Company Homes & Gardens
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Address 3659-99 Street, NW
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Success Ratio 50 %
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I found Nicole Bourdon's information on the list of approved TPSP's on BGRS's website. I contacted Nicole Bourdon well in advance of my House Hunting Trip and provided her with information regarding the type of rental property I was looking for. About a week and a half prior to my house hunting trip, Nicole contacted me by email to advise that she had broken her leg and had surgery, and therefore could no longer accompany me and my wife on May 22nd to look at rental properties. Nicole advised that she could still set up viewings of rental properties and provide us with an "Itinerary" of property information for May 22nd. Nicole also advised that she would contact us throughout the day to see how the rental viewing went. Since my wife and I have both lived in Edmonton, we agreed that we would be able to find our way around the city to the various viewings Nicole would set up for us, and decided to stick with Nicole as our Rental Search Agent. On May 18th, Nicole emailed me the Itinerary of properties that she had arranged viewings on for May 22nd. The Itinerary list she provided only contained three properties, one of which was out of our price range. In a bit of a panic, my wife began searching the internet for rental properties in Edmonton and found several other properties that fit our criteria for a rental property. So, I emailed Nicole back with the website names and listing IDs that my wife had found and I asked if Nicole could see about setting up viewings for any of those properties in addition to the three listed on the Itinerary. Nicole never responded to, or acknowledged this email. So on May 22nd my wife set up viewings for the additional properties herself. It should also be noted, that well viewing the three properties Nicole had listed for us on her itinerary, we discovered that she had provided us with incorrect information for the properties (Rent and Damage Deposit amounts were not accurate, one listing even had an old rental office address noted so we had to search the office out ourselves). We did not hear from Nicole on May 22nd until just before the last of the three viewings she had set up for us. My wife mentioned to Nicole that the information she had provided us regarding rent and damage deposit amounts was incorrect, at which point Nicole's tone became defensive, and she began talking over my wife. Later in the evening on May 22nd, I received a text message from Nicole asking which property we had decided to go with. I advised her that we had not yet made a decision, but we were leaning towards one property more than the others at that point. I also mentioned to Nicole that we still had a few rental properties to view on the 23rd (additional viewing set up by my wife during the day). On May 23rd I received a text message and an email from Nicole advising me that payment was now do in full and one day late. She was no longer referring to me buy my first or last name, but rather as "Sir". I made the payment, and then never heard from Nicole again. She never followed up to see if we signed a lease, or if we needed any assistance. The situation as a whole felt very unprofessional, and I absolutely would not recommend Nicole Bourdon to any of my friends. - A. McNeill

May 30, 2018

Reply:    The services you are referring to are through Edmonton Relocators not as a real estate transaction service.
Reply:    completely agree. very unprofessional.

Not Successful
Edmonton, AB

A. McNeill
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We were referred by friends to Nicole as she helped them for their military rental relocation. When we received notice to transfer out of Edmonton, she was the first and only person we wanted to work with. She was professional and helpful,as everything went well. We were very happy with the outcome. - Fred S

July 12, 2017

Edmonton, AB

Fred S
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