

What is ArtsJunktion?

ArtsJunktion mb Inc. is a community-based, charitable organization committed to redistributing reusable materials available take-what-you-need, pay-what-you-can. Our mandate is to support the creative community by providing accessible materials and a creative space; provide art workshops with an emphasis on repurposed materials; and to support artists through promotion of their art and through fairly paid employment opportunities. We also work to reduce landfill waste by receiving materials from businesses, organizations and individuals for distribution to the public, and to increase environmental awareness through community engagement and programming. We want to provide a safe and inclusive space for all community members, and to support our neighbourhood, city, and province through vibrant, reciprocal partnerships. ArtsJunktion is located on Treaty One Territory and the homeland of the Metis Nation, and is committed to the work of reconciliation.

Cities served include Winnipeg.

Total Verified Contributions: $100



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210 reviews
Total donations by Amber Van Den Broek to ArtsJunktion: $100
  • Gave $100 to ArtsJunktion on Nov 29, 2022