Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg

What is Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg?

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens. We are a member Agency of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, and must follow certain standards of program operation. These standards reflect the commitment of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada and its member Agencies to provide quality volunteer and professional services to children and youth. Every child should have the opportunity to reach his or her full potential, both as individuals and citizens. We believe that by changing the course of young lives we can in turn be changing the course of a community’s future. That mentoring a child could lead to a reduction in poverty and unemployment, to safer schools and neighbourhoods and to a renewed optimism for growth. That it could even lead to change on a broader, more far-reaching scale.

Cities served include Winnipeg.

Total Verified Contributions: $25



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Total donations by Amber Van Den Broek to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg: $25
  • Gave $25 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg on Nov 07, 2022