CanU Canada

CanU Canada

What is CanU Canada?

CanU Canada is an afterschool mentorship program for young leaders to see possibilities and seize opportunities. CanU is a whole-win partnership - schools, post-secondary institutions, families, generous volunteers and sponsors and program providers - who together are identifying and developing children and youth with great potential in our city. CanU’s programs focus on imparting academic, life and leadership skills through innovative and guided immersion experiences, and cultivates these skills through mentoring relationships with post-secondary students on post-secondary campuses. Weekly fitness and sport coaching provided by U of M athletes instills a love of health, sport and increased appreciation for teamwork. Academic enrichment experiences lay the groundwork for interest and success in school and career exploration. Nutrition education not only provides knowledge but also life skill development, a nutritious weekly meal and personal coaching for healthy living.

Cities served include Winnipeg.

Total Verified Contributions: $25



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210 reviews
Total donations by Amber Van Den Broek to CanU Canada: $25
  • Gave $25 to CanU Canada on Nov 07, 2022