Dans la rue

Dans la rue

What is Dans la rue?

In the early years, Dans la rue developed thanks to the vision and tireless work of our founder, Father Emmett Johns (Pops). Over the years, more and more people recognized the importance of Pops’ mission and supported Dans la rue with their time and donations. Dans la rue has grown into a multi-disciplinary team of skilled professionals and dedicated volunteers, all committed to fulfilling Pops’ vision of helping youth survive the streets, get back on their feet, and learn the skills necessary to build a brighter and more independent future.

Cities served include Montreal.

Total Verified Contributions: $1,185



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308 reviews
Total donations by Martin Dumont to Dans la rue: $1,090
  • Gave to Dans la rue on Dec 31, 2021

  • Gave $1,090 to Dans la rue on Dec 16, 2022


33 reviews
Total donations by Matthew De Angelis to Dans la rue: $95
  • Gave $95 to Dans la rue on Dec 17, 2021