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Phone 714-809-****
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Address 18180 Yorba Linda Blvd #501
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Success Ratio 100 %
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I had the good fortune to work with Tammy Lathrop. She has found 4 homes for me and my family in the last 18 years. Tammy is always very easy to get a hold of, a pleasure to work with, and answered all my questions in a timely fashion. I truly felt that she was looking out for me and was interested in helping me find the perfect home for me and my two children. Tammy is very professional and during the purchase, she helped me understand the buying process while working around my time. She understood our family’s needs and what I was looking for better than other agents I had worked with in the past. Tammy took the time to explain all the important aspects of buying a home including financing, location, home structure, negotiation, etc. Tammy has a deep knowledge and long history of the Orange County housing market and different neighborhoods. I never felt like she was pressuring me into settling for a property. In addition, Tammy provided fair and honest information through the entire transaction and kept me abreast of all developments via text and email. Tammy made the entire buying process very easy and stress free, she handled everything and I 100% felt that she was representing me for my best interest. I felt comfortable asking her advice on some of the options I had as I trusted her knowledge. She is just generally a great person who is passionate about her job and truly wants you to be happy in your new home. She seemed just as excited as I was when we received the keys to our new home! Further, Tammy treats being a realtor like an art instead of a business. You know you are in the best hands when she starts pointing out necessary information to you, providing experts to inspect anything you are questioning and never pushing for a purchase, only guiding you through your process of finding your best home. Having Tammy by our side along the way was crucial to our success in finding our home! In the end, she helped us find our forever home and helped negotiate a good price. I would gladly recommend Tammy Lathrop to anyone looking for a great Real Estate agent. - Kathie B. Allen

January 22, 2016

Reply:    Looking forward to making a difference and getting this home in escorw again. Thank You for believing in me and the service I provide. It was and is my pleasure to make a difference. With Sincere Gratitude, Tammy
Reply:    Thank You Kathie, It is a priveledge to make a difference. I am honored that you have chosen me as Your Personal Real Estate Consultant for Life

Woodbridge, Irvine, CA

Kathie B. Allen
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