Top Montreal Real Estate Brokerages, Companies, and Firms


Montreal, QC
2 agents, 5 reviews
Gina was quick to respond to our request to sell our property. We reached out to her as I had a positive experience buying my first condo...


Montreal, QC
1 agents, 5 reviews
He was my broker who helped me to find an appartement in Lasalle, later i discovered the un professionalism he was working with, never as...


Montreal, QC
1 agents, 5 reviews
Good facade at first but really unprofessional broker, unreliable with a lot of problems managing emotions. Think twice about signing wit...
50% of our profit is donated to Worthy Causes. Let's see how much good we can do!


Montreal, QC
Not yet rated
0 agents, 0 reviews


Montreal, QC
Not yet rated
0 agents, 0 reviews

Stats on Montreal Real Estate Companies

There are 359 registered Real Estate Agents in Montreal, who are members of the 53 brokerages listed above.

The Montreal, QC agent stats below include Realtors, Mortage Brokers and Insurance Agents.

Total Agents 362
Reviewed Agents 202
Reviews on File 3194
Average Overall Rating 4.84

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Last Updated: June 1, 2024