Top Nanaimo Real Estate Brokerages, Companies, and Firms


Nanaimo, BC
9 agents, 20 reviews
After the death of my husband of 50 years, John handled the sale of our family home. It was a very emotional process and John's compassio...


Nanaimo, BC
2 agents, 4 reviews
Very good and on top of everything


Nanaimo, BC
Not yet rated
0 agents, 0 reviews

Stats on Nanaimo Real Estate Companies

There are 179 registered Real Estate Agents in Nanaimo, who are members of the 15 brokerages listed above.

The Nanaimo, BC agent stats below include Realtors, Mortage Brokers and Insurance Agents.

Total Agents 191
Reviewed Agents 90
Reviews on File 1064
Average Overall Rating 4.87

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Last Updated: May 31, 2024