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Phone 951-790-****
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Fax 951-790-1601
Address 7710 Limonite Ave. Ste.N
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I did not use him as my agent, but he is the agent of the home we are in the process of purchasing and closing on in 2 days. We are first time home buyers, and have put in several offers and delt with kind listing agents. He, however, is far from kind. We offered list price on the house, and when my agent showed up to present the offer he started insulting him and us, calling us idiots for not knowing what the house was worth when we offered LIST PRICE. Then, he almost got into a fist fight with my agent and my agent had to leave the house. Even though he advised the sellers not to accept our offer, they still did. Ever since then, he has been attempting to make our lives miserable. He has called my realtor several times to bad mouth him, his company and he and my husband as buyers, although he had never met or spoken to us at that point. He told us he would open escrow once the offer was accepted, but waited 5 days so we had the inspection before escrow even opened and were not aware. He has called my agents constantly to complain that our good faith payment did not arrive 12 hours after he gave me the address and asked me to mail it. Seriously, 12 hours later. Sorry, but mail does not get delivered instantaneously in this universe. And he called several times to complain to our agents because we did not sign the escrow papers immediately since we were told to wait until closer to the date of closing. Now our lender is so tired of dealing with him that he is making us pay more $$ for a mobile notary because he cannot wait two more days for us to sign escrow papers. This man is the most unprofessional person I have ever met and is an absolute jerk. If I would have known, we would have never purchased that house. I love the house, and that is the only consolation to dealing with this guy throughout this process. I am warning everyone to stay away from him - this is the first complaint I have written about any person in my entire life, so believe me he was so bad that I have to warn people about him. Beware!!

Riverside, CA

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