Angela Roach
Team Solo
Company Royal LePage Proalliance Brokerage*
Phone 613-966-****
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Angela was the selling realtor for a property that we put an offer in on. The property was listed for 499 holding offers. They requested that every buyer write a letter to accompany their offer, because the owners cared about who took over the property.  On offer night, we put in an offer for over 200 thousand dollars more than asking price. We stated in our letter that we were willing to raise our offer if we needed to, because our family needed this property very badly. We poured our hearts out and told her all about our family. Our realtor also told her that we needed the house, and that he wanted to be given the opportunity to raise our offer if it was low. Angela promised that anyone who was within 50k of the highest offer would have been given an opportunity to raise their offer. Three hours after offers were presented, our realtor called Angela because we had heard nothing from her. She informed us that the house had already sold firm to someone for a price that only put an extra 10 thousand dollars in the sellers pockets. She never called us to ask us to raise our price, and she also informed us that she never called back one of the other offers which was only within $2000 of highest price. She did not act within her sellers best interest at all, as calling back either of us would have resulted in the sellers getting more money for their house, most likely much more than 10 thousand more. The only plausible explanation that I have for her not acting in the sellers best interest is either that Angela or someone from her firm was also the buying agent for the deal she took, that she personally knew the person who made the highest bid, at only $2000 more yet over $250 thousand dollars over the list price of the house, or that Angela couldn’t be bothered to call anyone back to raise their offers because though she could have made her sellers much more money, she would only have gotten a small percentage of it. We are thoroughly heartbroken but also very unimpressed with her actions, and we are sure that the sellers would be too, should they learn that she did not act in their best interest. Be careful when choosing a realtor to list your house, as this one does not act in the best interest of her clients. - Tina Lynch

February 01, 2021

Not Successful
Belleville, ON
Feb 2021

Tina Lynch
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