Christina Carreira
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Address 3180 Ridgeway Dr #36
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Christina helped make the impossible possible. I needed a quick sale because of a job change, and with her efforts the house sold by the end of the first day. She quickly arranged for photos and set up a promotional plan, and we asked for a price that at the time was more than $25,000 over the highest selling unit in the development. When the buyers said they wanted to make an offer after 10 p.m. and it had to happen immediately, she came over and we completed the paperwork by midnight. She handled all the details, adeptly negotiated with the other realtor and ensured that my interests were foremost at all times. I got full asking price and we even sold the furniture, too! A big thanks to Christina for guiding through this stressful event!

Buying and Selling
Mississauga, ON

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