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Address 209, 65 Chippewa Road
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We listed with Tom Fleming after a bad experience with another realtor. His first impression was good, having come by our property to view it then returning the very next morning to provide comparable listings. We listed at a price that was nearly 20K lower than the last realtor suggested in hopes of being far more attractive to prospective buyers. Despite my several requests over the almost 9 months we were listed with him to share the listing on social media or do separate free ads on platforms like facebook, Strathcona county buy and sell facebook page, and kijji, he always said he could but never did. He kept repeating himself that most people just go to to view... we were listed for 9 months with essentially no feedback. When I raised the discussion about price, Tom indicated we were priced aggressively for the market. My husband and I understood that to be that we were at the correct price point considering the comparable properties he continued to show us. Several weeks ago, I inquired as to any feedback he could provide, he simply replied that the realtors who showed the property weren't really giving him any. I've had to prompt him several times throughout the listing to give feedback and he'd simply send a single email, never following up any further, to the realtor. The first impression was great but the overall service and outcome is more than dissatisfying. I have had nothing but terrible encounters with realtors that have not done anything in my humble opinion to earn their commissions. I have done several of my own social media/ kijji ads and had just as many viewings of my own (which shouldn't even be happening when you have a realtor!!) and have now chosen to continue on my own. If I could rate 0 stars I truly would! Totally disappointed in this realtor. - Kyla

July 17, 2018

Not Successful
Sherwood Park, AB

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