Team Solo
Company Re/Max Ocean Pacific
Phone 250-339-****
Cell 250-897-****
Address 282 Anderton Rd
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We contacted Matthew when we were house hunting on Vancouver Island and made a visit to Comox. We dropped into his office unannounced, probably 10 minutes before he closed for the day and had a great chat with him. He was immensely courteous and helpful, the kind of guy you want to have dinner and beer with. He knew we were looking to move from the US to the Island and offered to keep in touch. Keep in touch he did, even offering to FaceTime potential houses around the Island. He offered to drive from Comox to Qualicum if we found something we wanted to see and he offered to show it virtually. That was pretty new at the time - we're talking 2016. I ended up spending two years looking at homes and asking him questions. In the end we decided to look closer to Victoria and when we asked him for help he quickly referred us to a top notch agent and we found our house that weekend. I can't say enough about how helpful Matthew was. My only regret was we moved too far away to keep him to be our agent. - Dee Watt

June 27, 2022

House / Single-Family
Z3 Youbou, Youbou
Sep 2018

Dee Watt
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Matthew has been rated in Z3 Youbou, Youbou.

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