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Company Royal LePage Kelowna
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Address 1-1890 Cooper Road, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 8B7
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Meet Shawn Gauba, a seasoned realtor, real estate, & business investor with over 10 years of local business experience and strong ties to the community. With a proven track record of success, Shawn has established himself as a trusted partner for all your real estate needs. Throughout his career, Shawn has built a vast network of relationships with local residents, business owners, and community leaders. This has given him a unique insight into the community and a deep understanding of the local real estate market. His clients benefit from his in-depth knowledge of the area, allowing them to make informed decisions about their real estate investments. With years of knowledge about the industry, Shawn has developed a keen eye for identifying the right opportunities for his clients. He takes the time to listen to their needs, understand their goals, and provide them with personalized solutions that meet their unique requirements. Shawn's approach to real estate is centered around building strong relationships with his clients. He believes that trust, communication, and transparency are the keys to success in the industry. His clients appreciate his genuine and personable nature, as well as his commitment to their satisfaction. Whether you are looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate, Shawn Gauba is the ideal partner for your journey. With his local business experience, community relationships, and years of real estate related expertise, he is equipped to help you achieve your real estate goals!


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