Mahmoud Abdelmegid
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Company Royal LePage Services Ltd.Pp
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Address 5055 Plantation Place Unit B Mississauga, Ontario L5M6J3
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Avoid their agent: Mahmoud Abdelmegid at all costs. My review is based on my latest experience with Mahmoud, and NOT the office as a whole. We had a very unsatisfactory experience (to say the least) w/Mahmoud who poorly managed the selling of our house. We initially, met Mahmoud early in the year and agreed to reno the place to maximize the return. Based on his advice, we invested about $25K in reno and upgrades. Then, it all went downhill from there. After four months on/off the market with four widely different listing prices, we ended up selling below the market. It was abt 16% less than the price Mahmoud promised initially. Then comes the worst part, the buyer asked for closing in less than four weeks, and Mahmoud pushed us to agree without negotiating any additional compensation. He advised that the buyer would walk away if we counter (not sure why, as we realized afterward the buyer was very committed and willing to finalize), so we signed on the offer as-is ;( .... Mahmoud assured us that finding a place within four weeks is no issue at all. He promised to help to find us a new place as, at the time, we have nowhere to go. Long story short, Mahmoud gradually became hands-off, and eventually, I was left helpless to find my family a new home. I realized that realistically there is NO way I can purchase and close in less than 8-12 weeks, so I ended up renting :( . This was a complete and unanticipated change in plans. Mahmoud eventually walked away and didn't even bother asking what did we do. This is a BIG lesson I learned, and I can't fully blame my agent. It's also my fault that I didn't do my homework and didn't choose my agent wisely. My lessons learned and tips for those thinking of selling: 1-) choose your agent wisely and think twice 2-) know your ultimate selling price (including any investment) and never let your agent convince you otherwise 3-) never accept less than a two-month closing date (unless you have something in place) Best of Luck!! - N. Ibrahim

October 04, 2022

Reply:    Based on provided feedback, here are some facts The renovation advice was not compulsory the property was listed in May with an agreed-on estimated market price for the time, after three weeks, and due to the affected market because of a interest rate increace, Nadir requested to take it from the market. Nadir decided to relist the property for sale in July with an agreed-on listing price for the time , the rate was continuing to increase, and the hit of July 13th, made the situation worth for sellers, Market went down 16% from the peak 3 weeks later I met with Nadir and discussed the listing price and nadir agreed to a price change One offer was registered with , I've successfully negotiated the price to reach $ 50K more and 21k above asking and Nadir accepted the offer I never promise for certain selling price, I only advise clients on the best price as per market The property was very well presented, with top photographing, videos, 3D, open house During our journey to find a new place we started the search early in May to explore the market, I've booked, confirmed, and visited with Nadir and his family 36 listings to buy and lease, aiming to match Nadir requested criteria all showings were arranged as per Nadir's convenience It was Nadir's choice to go from buying to renting I've no communication or idea about the buyer's intention as I'm not providing any service to them The only point of conflict was when I advised Nadir that it is not right to submit two offers to lease two different properties at the same time, as my duty is to protect Nadir's interests, and asked to be firm on one at a time, then Nadir was got upset and decided to put a claim Finally, I do accept criticism, I always do my best to have my clients satisfied

Erin Mills, Mississauga
Sep 2022

N. Ibrahim
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